- Step 1 (Register advertiser )
- Step 2 (Aproved advertiser)
- Step 3 (Create ads, Submit banners)
- Step 4 (Ads, Banners Advertising)
Create your FREE LEAG account
Approve you LEAG account
Once you have completed the form (left), we will APPROVE or DENY your application within 24 HOURS and accordingly may send you a confirmation e-mail with an activation link. Please click on this link to activate your account.
LEAG advertising packages
We have 2 advertising packages for your banners (234 x 60 sizes): TOP banner £300 per month and RIGHT banner for £200 per month
If you have one TOP banner paid, you can post 1 profile to the VIP section, 2 profiles at Premium section, 5 profiles at the Standard section and 2 profiles at New London escorts page.
If you have one Right banner paid, you can post 1 profile to the Premium section and 5 profiles at the Standard section and 1 profile at New London escorts page.
Also, we have 4 advertising packages for your ads: VIP (HomePage) ad for £50 per month, a Premium ad for £30 per month, a Standart ad for £10 per month and your ad visible on the New London escorts page for £25 per month.
LEAG discount: Every user that paid for 2 months in advance will benefit for another one month for free.